We offer our business partners the following services and solutions


  • special Mac-, iMac- und MacBook-repairs on individual, and more transparent coste basis
  • free error diagnostic and analyses
  • workstation and laptop repairs of all popular manufacturers and models
  • repairs even most complex defects for example chipset replacement after water damage, removal of graphic error through ‘reflow’ or chip exchange up to the recon of total components
  • we own a well-assorted warehouse for spare parts
  • 12 month warranty for our services
  • Invoice including VAT

Customer Portal / Virtual Workshop

  • business partners get their own costumer area in our ‘virtual workshop’ and can follow the status of their repairs at any time

Free return shipping

  • we ship devices within Germany free of charge and assured by DHL
  • packages will be delivered on the next day due to the connection to the DHL-package center of Hamburg (only within large cities and conurbations of Germany)
  • express shipping possible at any time (costs on request)
  • European shipment possible at any time – delivery within 3 – 5 days (costs on request)
  • global shipping possible at any time (delivery period & costs on request)
If you looking for a strategic Partner, who can accomplish even the most complicated repairs, then you have found the right partner in us. We are an IT-company based in Hamburg and specialized in computer repairs & sales, also individual storage solutions.

If interested, get in touch with Simon Böhmer, our partner for you under Simon.Boehmer@sadaghian.com or call us.

Ready to act?

Then do not hesitate and send us your defective Mac to Hamburg for free error analysis. Round-trip shipping?
Print out DHL label - we will cover the costs.
DHL Kostenlose Versand Apple iMac und MacBook Reparatur in Hamburg
Kundenbewertungen & Erfahrungen zu Arash Sadaghian. Mehr Infos anzeigen.
Leverkusenstraße 3, 22761 
Hamburg - Altona
 / 1. Stock
Opening Hours
Mo - Fr 10:00 – 19:00
Sa 14:00 – 18:00
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